Grant Allocation Committee (GAC)


Request for Proposal (MS Word)

Budget Narrative Form (MS Excel)

Upcoming deadlines for 2024-2025 proposals are as follows:

The deadlines for submitting applications under this funding cycle are Friday, September 20th, for fall 2024 and spring 2025 program proposals; and Monday, December 16th, for spring 2025 program proposals. Applications for funding and complete details of requirements may be found on the Student Affairs website. All proposals must be submitted electronically to

Questions about the GAC may be addressed to Stacy Erokwu from Student Affairs at

All proposals must be submitted electronically to

Grant Allocation Committee Funding Guidelines

Requirements for Funding: To provide funding in support of the mission of Buffalo State, any proposal submitted in response to this Request for Proposals must state how the activity, if funded, will contribute to the university's vision, mission, core values and strategic directions, as presented in the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan for Buffalo State, located here:

Multiple Funding Restrictions: All completed applications submitted in response to this Request for Proposals will be reviewed by the Grant Allocation Committee (GAC).  However, restrictions do exist for the funding of multiple individual or departmental requests.  The Committee encourages collaboration in developing proposals and suggests that members of the same department or organization consult each other before applying for this grant, as the following restrictions apply:

  1. Departments or organizations may not receive funding for more than two activities per semester. 
  2. Individuals may not receive funding for more than one activity per semester. 
  3. Departments, organizations or individuals may not submit multiple requests for the same event, or portions of the same event, from the Grant Allocation Committee.  It is suggested that additional funding be sought through other funding sources.
  4. Funds may not be used for food/refreshments.
  5. If your department/organization received funding within the past two years by this committee, you must provide a report on the results of the past program and explain how the proposed program relates (if applicable) to the previously funded program. Applications that fall into this category and are received without this report on file may not be considered for funding.

All Grant Allocation Committee funded programs and events must:
• be open to all students, faculty, and staff at Buffalo State;
• result in a direct educational experience, and
• be held on-campus at Buffalo State or campus-affiliated organization/center.

Applications:  Applications must use the Abstract, Narrative, and Budget Narrative forms provided.  Applications must contain the following information:

  1. Request for Proposals form.
  2. An abstract not to exceed 200 words.
  3. A narrative description (5 pages, maximum) of the program, event, or function which includes:

A. program or event goals and objectives;
B. a description of how the program or event will address the Universities’ strategic directions;
C. description of proposed activities, including anticipated timeline or dates and the venue to be used;
D. a description of the target audience(s), including numbers of participants; and
E. a statement whether the proposed program is free or, if not free, the amount of revenue expected from any admission or program fees (describe how those funds will be applied to the program costs in your budget narrative) and how the program will be evaluated.

A line-item program budget and description are required to be considered, using the Budget Narrative Form found here. Requests must also include a sample of a post-event evaluation tool (such as a survey).

Note Regarding Budget: Preference will be given to funding direct program costs including honoraria,* venue costs, production costs and marketing.  Preference will also be given to grant applications that provide detailed costs associated with proposed event or program included information on sources/vendors.  Applicants proposing programs with a high cost should plan to pursue other sources of funds and describe those plans in their budget narrative. 

*Honoraria may not be offered to employees of the university.  Travel expenses may only be paid consistent with guidelines published in the current Buffalo State travel manual. 

Deadlines:  In general, requests for funding made during the April cycle should be for programs taking place in the following summer and fall.  Requests for funding made during the September cycle should be for programs taking place in the fall and spring.  Requests for funding made during the November cycle should be for programs taking place the spring.  However, the committee will consider proposals that fall outside these general parameters. 

To Apply:  Submit your proposal via email to

Requirements of Award Recipients: Applications will be reviewed by the Grant Allocation Committee.  Decisions will be announced approximately two weeks after review by the Committee.  All literature and advertisements pertaining to funded programs should name the Grant Allocation Committee and the Academic and Student Affairs Office as a sponsor.  Award recipients must submit a report to the Committee at the conclusion of their program.

Grant Proposal Review Criteria:  Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the GAC Proposal Rubric which will be used to evaluate the merits of each proposal. 

Charge of the GAC

The Grant Allocation Committee (GAC) is charged with soliciting and reviewing proposals for campus programs and activities and for distributing the funds allocated to the committee to support programs that contribute to the goal of enriching the intellectual, social and cultural life of the Buffalo State community. 

This fund was created with the intention of funding singular programs, not units, programs or supplementing departmental budgets.  The committee is further asked to be judicious in reviewing requests for funds from departments or organizations that are known to have access to alternate funding sources to ensure the best use of scarce funds available.  Applicants should be required to specify other sources of funds, where applicable, to assist the committee in its review. 

The committee should avoid funding programs that are exclusively social in nature.  Rather, the emphasis of funded programs should be on programs that provide meaningful educational and/or cultural contribution to campus life.

The committee will file an annual report to the president of the university and to the chair of the College Senate detailing the allocation of funds, and will include its recommendations. 

View GAC awards for 2021-2022.

GAC Composition and Selection

Each faculty shall elect one member to the committee and shall serve for a two-year term, up to four consecutive years.

Staff and Librarians
The Professional Staff Caucus shall elect one member to the committee, and the librarians shall elect one member and shall serve for a two-year term, up to four consecutive years.

Students shall elect three undergraduate students and one graduate student.  Further, two students shall be nominated from college organizations and appointed by the president. One of these students must be a commuter.  Students shall be elected or appointed for two-year terms but may be not be reelected or appointed for more than four years.

The chair of the committee shall be a faculty member appointed by the president of the university in consultation with the chair of the College Senate and shall be charged to convene meetings of the committee.  The chair of the committee will be appointed to a two-year term. 

The vice president for student affairs shall provide support staff for this committee.

Current membership roster.